15. června 2021 v 06:28
In this section, you will find relevant details for the process of HP Printer Assistant download which can be easily done by visiting HP’s official website. You may also use HP Support Assistant which has similar features as HP Printer Assistant.
First of all, turn on your HP Printer and disconnect all the cables that are connecting your printer and the computer (if there is any).
Now go to the official page of HP or HP Customer service.
After this, go to Software and Driver Downloads.
When you see “Let's identify your product to get started” page on your screen, tap on the “Printers” icon/option.
Here, you have to type the model number of your printer and hit the “Submit” button.
The resulting page will display the default operating system which can be changed manually.
To change the OS, tap on “Change” and select your version followed by tapping on “Change” again.
In the end, tap on the “Download” option which is present under “Driver”.
https://hpprintersupporthelpline.com/support-assis tant